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40th place

9660 points


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Challenge Category Value Time
Ancient Fossil Forensics 455
Time will tell Miscellaneous 382
Ping Me Malware 347
Plantopia Web 312
Rustline Malware 453
Permission to Proxy Miscellaneous 467
Y2J Web 149
MOVEable Web 425
The Void Warmups 50
GoCrackMe3 Reverse Engineering 456
Sekiro Miscellaneous 77
GoCrackMe2 Reverse Engineering 382
Ran Somewhere OSINT 50
Mimi Malware 50
TXT Message Warmups 50
Discount Programming Devices Malware 50
Unbelievable Warmups 50
Malibu Miscellaneous 50
Cattle Warmups 50
Russian Roulette Malware 50
Nightmare on Hunt Street Part #3 Forensics 50
Strange Calc Malware 50
MatryoshkaQR Warmups 50